Solve all Hair Related Problems Guarantee

Solve all Hair Related Problems Guarantee :


                       If u are suffering from heavy hair loss problem, rough hair, damage hair, split ends, itchy scalp, thinning hair etc problems then this place is for u...

In this blog i am gonna tell you most easiest way to solve every hair problem. Basic way to treat all problems related to hair... All pocket friendly tips .....u don't need to spend lot money trust me friends...
U will see noticeable difference within very short time.... Guarantee...

Follow this tips regularly is most important... And the steps are..

1 . Oiling hair regularly :

Please regularly do hair oiling . I can understand in summer hair oiling is very tough and during very busy schedule it is too. But if you wants to get perfect hair type trust me this is the fore most important part of hair care.

Best oil for hair :

Olive oil, Pure Coconut oil, Castor oil, Argon oil.
U can mixed all of them together or can apply alone. But my suggestion mix 50% Coconut oil with 50 % Castor oil with few drops of Vitamin E oil ( u can use facial oil too ) then u can store that upto 1year. Apple that mix oil every alternative days before bed or just 2-3 hours before bath or shampoo. I give u guarantee it will solve hair fall problem permanently.

2. Do shampoo  properly :

     Don't do shampoo every day this is the major cause for hair fall. If you really needs to wash hair then try to do every alternative days not regular. And choose very mild shampoo totally chemical free shampoo is the best shampoo for those people who wants to or have to wash hair every day. Don't apply too much shampoo it will make your hair rough. Try  to understand how much u need and then dilute that with one cup of water. This method not only helps you to get perfect hair also save your money.

3.  Do not apply too much conditioner :

 U can replace conditioner with oil trust me it is so beneficial that helps you to grow hair faster. Conditions has somany heavy chemical that can damage your hair so just apply 2-3drops of Coconut oil or Almond oil 
After every hair wash  on wet hair and u will notice difference within very short time.

4. Apple Hair Serum :

Apple hair serum is a very good way to treat damage hair. Hair serum also known as hair tonic , visualizer etc . If u wants to apply non sticky product for hair growth, thickness, volume, perfect hair then u can also apply any good hair serum. Serum is very light and almost all serum mostly water based that's why it penetrates much faster than oil that's why I recommend to apply hair serum who don't wants to apply oil.

5. Come hair every day :

Come hair every day before bed time it will stimulate hair growth. It helps to circulate blood properly.

6. Trim Split ends Monthly :

Monthly trim ends of hair not only helps you to reduce split ends also helps you to get long hair. Because it helps to grow hair faster than any remedy.

Just follow these simple steps and I give you guarantee u will see noticeable difference within very short time. Just follow all tips regularly. Don't do cheating . If u will do remember u will cheat your hair. 

Be happy........

     Be beautiful.........


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